ABELL AM780T Mobile

Dual Mode
Supports both digital and analog to cut your budgets while shifting analog to digital.

Software Upgradeable
New features, Recording, Bluetooth, GPS, are available after software upgrade but no need to buy new mobile radio.

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1600 Channels

Dual Mode
Supports both digital and analog to cut your budgets while shifting analog to digital.

Voice Encryption
16-bits key to ensure your secure communications.

Excellent Voice
Crystal voice quality ensured even in extremely noisy environments

Supplementary Functions
Voice Call, SMS, Call Alert, Remote Monitor, Radio Check, Remote Kill/ Revive, etc.

Remote Emergency Alarm
Supports several options on remote emergency alarm, such as concealed emergency alarm.

Software Upgradeable
New features, Recording, Bluetooth, GPS, are available after software upgrade but no need to buy new mobile radio.