Zumspot 1.3" Oled

The Mini 1.3 OLED ZUMspot is a small and efficient Multi-Mode Digital Hotspot
  • High performance 32-bit ARM processor
  • Fully assembled and tested in exclusive custom injection molded case
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The Mini 1.3 OLED ZUMspot is a small and efficient Multi-Mode Digital Hotspot featuring:
  • High performance 32-bit ARM processor
  • Fully assembled and tested in exclusive custom injection molded case
  • Includes a Raspberry Pi Zero WH
  • Supports DMR, P-25, D-Star, YSF, NXDN, POCSAG and M17
  • Onboard LEDs to show status (Tx, Rx, Status and Mode)
  • Up to 10mW RF transmit power
  • SMA antenna connector, UHF antenna included
  • Includes pre-programmed and pre-configured SD card with Pi-Star
  • The open source firmware (MMDVM) is pre-loaded
  • Built-in 1.3" OLED screen
  • Includes 3A micro-USB power supply
  • 1 year warranty

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